Understanding The Basics Of Speed Reading

Speed reading is not just a parlor trick you can use to impress your friends and family. For many its a necessary tool for managing time and information in the fast-paced business world, and for many others, specifically students, its the only way to get through reading-heavy class loads. The practiced speed reader can pick

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Lose Weight: Sushi Is Your Friend

If you’re not making sushi at home you’re missing out on a delicious and extremely diet-friendly meal. It’s easy to make, fast, nutritious, and the raw fish you’re afraid of is completely optional. First let’s have a brief overview of sushi for those who’ve never had it or those who have tried it but want to know

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The 5 Canons Of Resistance Training

Trying to firm and tone? Looking for a bathing suit body? No problem! If youre resistance training program isnt performing for you; theres a solution. Get back to basics: give your routine a face lift by reviewing these 5 fitness canons. Canon 1: Always Exhibit Proper Posture The most important thing to remember when resistance training: proper for

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When the Morning Dawns

The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage–at least it seems that way. If you’ve been thinking you need to know more about unconditional love, here’s your opportunity. When darkness turns to day, the sun moves over the horizon and touches everything in sight. This movement

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